Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Our Chiropractors will perform a four point neuro mechanical exam and develop a customized treatment plan to get you on the path to feeling better, getting better, and staying better.


Gentle spinal adjustments can improve nerve functioning, increase blood flow to the brain, and reduce inflammation - leading to improved focus, behavior, and learning capacity in kids with ADHD.


Chiropractic adjustments can realign the spine after trauma from an accident, restore mobility, alleviate pain and inflammation, and prevent long-term dysfunction.


Regular chiropractic wellness care keeps your body functioning at its best. Getting periodic spinal adjustments can boost energy, strengthen immunity, and enhance overall health.


Chiropractic adjustments can bring relief to back pain sufferers. Skilled chiropractors use gentle techniques to mobilize the spine, reducing nerve pressure and muscle tension. This improves spine function, decreasing inflammation, spasms, and restricted movement that contribute to both acute and chronic back pain.


Chiropractic treatment is an effective option for patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Chiropractors use gentle joint manipulation and mobilization techniques to restore proper alignment and mobility to the wrist and hand, taking pressure off the median nerve and reducing inflammation and numbness.


Chiropractic care can provide relief for migraine headache sufferers. Chiropractors use gentle spinal adjustments and targeted exercises to address physical dysfunction, nerve irritation, and muscle tightness that can trigger migraine attacks.


For patients with neck pain, chiropractic offers an effective solution. Skilled chiropractors employ targeted adjustments and massage to mobilize the cervical vertebrae, reducing nerve irritation and relaxing the surrounding musculature.


For patients with sciatica, chiropractic adjustments bring welcome relief. Expert chiropractors employ focused techniques to mobilize the lumbar spine and pelvis, taking pressure off the sciatic nerve and easing nerve irritation and muscular tension.


For patients struggling with shoulder discomfort, chiropractic offers relief. Skilled chiropractors employ targeted spinal manipulation and massage to address nerve compression, muscle tension, and inflammation around the shoulder.


After you have made your initial appointment, we will email you digital paperwork. If you are able, please complete this prior to your first visit. If you are unable, allow roughly 10 additional minutes to complete this during your first visit.



Welcome! On your first visit, you will be welcomed by our New Patient Coordinator. She will be with you throughout your first visit! Within moments of arrival, there will be a few additional forms to complete. Following this, our New patient Coordinator and our Doctors will complete our 4 point NeuroMechanical Exam. During this 4 point exam, you can expect: a thorough consultation and history, a physical exam, a thorough palpatory exam of the spine and extremities, and x-rays (unless otherwise determined by the doctor).

The doctor will personally review your case to determine if you are a good candidate for care in our office. If he determines, based on your history and his clinical experience, that you are a good candidate for care, our team will schedule your Doctor’s Report of Findings (visit 2).

Our Doctors prefer to have this scheduled within 24 hours of your first visit. We are often asked if the Doctor will adjust you on the first visit. Most often, the doctor needs additional time to review your case and make recommendations. However, the doctor will determine whether or not an adjustment would be beneficial and necessary on Day 1.



Welcome! On your first visit, you will be welcomed by our New Patient Coordinator. She will be with you throughout your first visit! Within moments of arrival, there will be a few additional forms to complete. Following this, our New patient Coordinator and our Doctors will complete our 4 point NeuroMechanical Exam. During this 4 point exam, you can expect: a thorough consultation and history, a physical exam, a thorough palpatory exam of the spine and extremities, and x-rays (unless otherwise determined by the doctor).

The doctor will personally review your case to determine if you are a good candidate for care in our office. If he determines, based on your history and his clinical experience, that you are a good candidate for care, our team will schedule your Doctor’s Report of Findings (visit 2).

Our Doctors prefer to have this scheduled within 24 hours of your first visit. We are often asked if the Doctor will adjust you on the first visit. Most often, the doctor needs additional time to review your case and make recommendations. However, the doctor will determine whether or not an adjustment would be beneficial and necessary on Day 1.



Welcome Back! From our experience, this day is one of the most exciting days for our patients because it’s when Hope comes in. When you arrive, one of our team members will place you in a private room for your report. At this time, the Doctor will sit with you. During the Doctor’s Report, we answer several questions.

    1. What is wrong with me?

    2. Can you help me?

    3. How much of my time will this require?

Once you and the Doctor have discussed your case and agreed to move forward, our Practice Administrator will sit with you to discuss the cost of care. This answers question #4 which is: What will this cost?

We are pleased to be in network with most insurance companies. Additionally, we take the guesswork out of your care. Our Practice Administrator will go over all of the details of your care plan as well as answer any questions you may have. Additionally, she will assist in scheduling your treatment plan and getting you set up for success!

Once you have decided to proceed with care, you will receive your first treatment. Congratulations! HOPE is in place, and results are on the way! Although we see people’s lives restored daily, it never gets old. We LOVE celebrating each individual patient and seeing their goals achieved.



Welcome Back! From our experience, this day is one of the most exciting days for our patients because it’s when Hope comes in. When you arrive, one of our team members will place you in a private room for your report. At this time, the Doctor will sit with you. During the Doctor’s Report, we answer several questions.

    1. What is wrong with me?

    2. Can you help me?

    3. How much of my time will this require?

Once you and the Doctor have discussed your case and agreed to move forward, our Practice Administrator will sit with you to discuss the cost of care. This answers question #4 which is: What will this cost?

We are pleased to be in network with most insurance companies. Additionally, we take the guesswork out of your care. Our Practice Administrator will go over all of the details of your care plan as well as answer any questions you may have. Additionally, she will assist in scheduling your treatment plan and getting you set up for success!

Once you have decided to proceed with care, you will receive your first treatment. Congratulations! HOPE is in place, and results are on the way! Although we see people’s lives restored daily, it never gets old. We LOVE celebrating each individual patient and seeing their goals achieved.



When you arrive on day 3, one of our team members will walk you through the flow for the rest of your visits. This will answer any questions you may have such as: How long should I expect each visit to take? Where do I go when I get here? Etc.



When you arrive on day 3, one of our team members will walk you through the flow for the rest of your visits. This will answer any questions you may have such as: How long should I expect each visit to take? Where do I go when I get here? Etc.



Throughout your care plan, the team will do several re-exams to check your progress. This is when the Doctors will make any necessary adjustments to your treatment protocol. 

On the last day of your care plan, you will have your celebration visit. This includes a post exam as well as post x-rays. Following this visit is a follow up Doctor’s Report



Throughout your care plan, the team will do several re-exams to check your progress. This is when the Doctors will make any necessary adjustments to your treatment protocol. 

On the last day of your care plan, you will have your celebration visit. This includes a post exam as well as post x-rays. Following this visit is a follow up Doctor’s Report



It’s Celebration Time!

During this visit, the Doctor goes over the progress of your care plan, celebrates all the victories along the way, and makes recommendations moving forward. Most people want to keep their results which does require ongoing wellness care. The frequency and cost of this care looks different than the initial care plan. Most recommendations for wellness care range from one time a week to every other week



It’s Celebration Time!

During this visit, the Doctor goes over the progress of your care plan, celebrates all the victories along the way, and makes recommendations moving forward. Most people want to keep their results which does require ongoing wellness care. The frequency and cost of this care looks different than the initial care plan. Most recommendations for wellness care range from one time a week to every other week


Once you have decided to move forward with care, most of the work will be done by our Doctors and Team. There are, however, a few things we ask of you. This helps us help you best!


At the beginning of the treatment plan, the doctor will give instructions for home care. This may include ice or heat instructions, home exercises, or the avoidance of certain activities or positions. Home-care is an essential part of any treatment plan, assisting the doctor in making lasting improvements to the spine.


Each adjustment builds on the ones before. Your care recommendations are based on the success we have seen with our patients in our office. Since every patient is different, we have designed your program of care to fit your specific needs for optimal results. It is important to maintain the schedule and treatment program the Doctor has set for you.

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